Wuyi Dexin

Economic Single Ladders Manufacturers

About Us

From start to finish, we are in control throughout the entire manufacturing process. We manufacture a full line of professional grade Economic Single Ladders factory built to last for generations while withstanding the most challenging jobs.
Our products are backed by state-of-the-art design, testing, and life-cycle evaluation. We manufacture a complete line of professional-grade products suitable anywhere from home to the most demanding job sites.


  • Scaffold
  • HouseHold Ladder
    HouseHold Ladder
  • Widened Step Stool
    Widened Step Stool
  • Slow Descent Ladder
    Slow Descent Ladder
  • Articulated Ladder
    Articulated Ladder
  • Steel Ladder
    Steel Ladder


Contact us now

Industria Scientia Extension